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Your Q4 Plan: Finish Strong & Seed Success

Just after Thanksgiving, a seasonal lull sets in. You should absolutely enjoy the slower pace AND maximize the opportunities this respite represents. In my experience, the most successful realtors, lenders and small businesses use the 4th quarter to wind up, not down. Do these:

Score one more closing. Scan the market for good buys and present them to a few of your savviest clients. Every 4th quarter, sellers who have been sitting become keen to negotiate. This is a breath of fresh air to buyers, who haven’t been on the better side of a deal all year. Scan your client database, and reach out to those who might want to capitalize on a good opportunity.

Whether or not you make a sale this quarter, this tactic is a great way to connect with clients and talk business in the waning days of the year.

It shows initiative and care on your part – both of which will work in your favor in the year ahead.

One spreadsheet, two columns: 2018 Client Connections | 2019 Client Connection Goals.

Of course you should look at your sales and set sales goals for 2019. But first, analyze how well you did with client connections this year. How many times did you connect with clients and prospects in meaningful ways? It’s connections that drive your business and seed your pipeline. Tally them all up: direct mail connections, hand-written notes, pop-bys, lunches, calls and electronic messaging. Where can you get more traction? What contacts seem to trend towards greater sales?

Make a plan.

If you mailed with us consistently in 2018, you will see that our direct mail postcards made a big difference in keeping your name top of mind and driving referrals. If you’re new to postcard marketing, give it a try. It’s one of the easiest ways to massively pump up your client connections in 2019. Our programs simply, effectively, and consistently remind clients of your presence and professionalism. Postcard marketing requires almost none of your time or attention, operating in the background to seed your business pipeline. With postcards, you constantly connect with clients, sending high quality information and solid branding, no matter how busy you get.

Just do it. Come meet with me and we’ll get a cruise-control postcard program underway for you in 2019. We’ll create meaningful content, plug in your unique branding, and handle all facets of mailing. With one simple set-up meeting, you can orchestrate a year’s worth of high-quality client outreach and prospecting. You don’t have to think about it. Just continue delivering quality service to your current clients, knowing you are consistently reaching out to past clients and prospects.

When one of those past clients or prospects decides to initiate new business, your name will be front and center.

Just a few ideas for using Q4 to launch a great 2019. Join the conversation and let me know what you think!

Reaching Neighbors creates smart cruise-control marketing programs that hum in the background while you focus on getting deals done right. Contact us to learn more.

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